
Food Allergy Fun on Halloween

Video Description
Amy Jones Anichini, Founder and CEO says: Keeping food allergic children safe on Halloween isn't easy -- but we have a way you can do it while maximizing the fun factor of trick-or-treating!

Our strategy begins with allowing them to trick-or-treat and show off that costume, but make sure they don't eat ANYTHING from the bag until a parent goes through it at home. Believe it not, that's when the fun really begins! Before Halloween, stock up on safe, desirable treats for them (remember to read every label every time), and don't limit yourself only to food items.

Have plenty of age- and gender-appropriate toys on hand, too (such as mini Play-Dough tubs, Silly Bands, temporary tatoos, and trendy trading cards).
When your children have finished trick-or-treating, let them trade the candy they're allergic to for the safe candy and prizes.

Make a celebration of it - instead of feeling deprived, your food allergic child can feel extra special!
Amy: Halloween is every child's dream holiday. But for the food allergic child, Halloween can be disappointing at best and dangerous at worst. Do you want your Halloween to go like this?

Lauren [witch costume, skipping]: OMG! I got everything I wanted. What did you get, Lizzie?

Lizzie [pink costume, sulking]: Gee Lauren, you're lucky. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to EVERYTHING in here [shows a large Butterfingers candy bar]. Halloween is the WORST holiday ever! I HATE HAVING FOOD ALLERGIES!

Amy: In our family, we've developed a new tradition of doing what we call "making trades" which makes Halloween really fun for our food allergic child. Wouldn't you rather your Halloween goes like this?

[both Lauren and Lizzie are skipping] Lauren: Oh my gosh! I got everything I wanted. What did you get, Lizzie?

Lizzie: I know I'm allergic to EVERYTHING in here [shows a large Butterfingers candy bar], but Mom says her trades are GREAT THIS YEAR!.

[both girls squeal with delight and ring the doorbell. Amy answers]

All: HI!

Amy: How was trick-or-treating?

Lauren and Lizzie: Good.

Amy [addressing Lizzie]: Are you ready for some trades?

Lizzie: YES!!!

[Lizzie runs into the house, squealing with delight, followed by Lauren and Amy]

[Scene changes to kitchen. Excited chatter as everyone bounds into the kitchen.]

Amy: Lauren, you put your bag down. Lizzie, let's see.

Amy [addressing Lizzie]: Honey...you've got 25 items to trade this year. That's even more than -

Lizzie: [screams]

Amy: - last year.

Lauren [taking Lizzie's bucket]: Let me hold your bucket so you can pick out your trades.

Lizzie [sorting through candy]: I'm gonna have a pixie stick - wait! I haven't tried

this kind yet. I'm gonna get Skittles -

Lauren: Skittles are yummy. Silly Bandz

- oh my gosh! Silly Bandz!

Lizzie: Silly Bandz!

Amy: When you're selecting items for your child to have as trades, make sure you've

got a combination of some fun small toys that they really love as well as some candies that

you know are safe for their particular kinds of food allergies. One thing to keep in mind,

though, is that sometimes the "fun sizes" of candies are packaged in a different facility

from the regular sizes of candies. So just read those labels and make sure that the items

you are picking really are in fact safe for your child.

Amy [to girls]: So how's it going guys?

Lauren: She's got exactly 25.

Lizzie: [yells, showing off her new stash]

Amy: Oh my gosh, and it's a great combination of treats as well as some toys.

Amy: Would you guys like to have a piece of candy?

Lauren and Lizzie: Yeah!

Amy: Why don't you get one?

Amy: Come on over here before you eat it.

Amy: Help me wish everybody happy Halloween.

All: Happy Halloween from Egg-Free Epicurean!
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